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Youth and Children's Ministry


The main responsibility of the youth department is to work with youth in the churches and in secondary schools. Our aim as the diocese is to teach the word of God and encourage them to live holy lives - walking with and trusting God.


This involves running seminars and youth conferences, visiting churches and schools to minister to them, encourage them to be servant hearted and to establish projects to help the needy.


We want them to know God and trust that He will empower them as they become future leaders. Within the youth department there are two main branches. We partner with the Tanzanian Anglican Youth Organization (TAYO), a ministry of the Anglican Church of Tanzania that targets youth in church.



of Buziku Parish

is the Director of Youth Ministry for the diocese.

The other arm is the Tanzanian Christian Student Fellowship (UKWATA) which targets students in secondary schools and colleges.

Children's Ministry

The diocese of Biharamulo has Sunday school classes

in many churches but not all due to the lack of Sunday

school teachers. We are planning to have a short training

for Sunday school teachers so that we can root our

children in Christian faith.

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